Dog Boxes

Details & info

Alum-Line Aluminum Dog Boxes are built with the same quality, heavy duty materials, and workmanship as our construction boxes. Our Aluminum Dog Boxes are lightweight, durable, and easy to carry from place to place. This is a one time aluminum dog box built with quality to last. These aluminum boxes have a design and special features that come standard, but are sure to fit your needs. The workmanship of Alum-Line aluminum boxes is sure to satisfy, making aluminum dog boxes a must have. The lids of Aluminum Dog Boxes provide worry-free stability and strength allowing any weight to be able to be stacked on top of Alum-Line's aluminum boxes. Other dimensions of the Alum-Line Aluminum Dog Boxes are available to fit your particular needs. Click on the "Specifications" tab to see how Alum-Line Aluminum Dog Boxes will be the perfect match for you. Alum-Line has a knowledgeable sales staff on hand happy to assist you when building your Alum-Line Aluminum Dog Boxes today.


Main Construction Standard Feature Option
.100 thickness of material yes  
Lids are strong enough for you to stand on yes  
2 butterfly vents per dog yes  
Rubber dog Mats yes  
All doors include bars and cover plate yes  
10 year warranty    

Popular Sizes

Crossover Sportsman 2 dog box, 2 doors, with 5" of storage on top
Crossover Sportsman Box - short box model, 2 doors with 5" storage on top
RV style 3 dog box with 5" of storage on top
RV style 2 dog box between fender box, with 5" of storage on top
4 dog tailgate model with 5" of storage on top & 4 doors
The "Trainer" model (does not have storage on top)

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Check out our high-quality aluminum dog trailers.

Dog Trailers
P.O. BOX 59 | HWY 9 WEST | CRESCO, IA 52136 | PHONE: 800.446.1407 | FAX 563.547.5366 | PRIVACY POLICY